Welcome to Buenos Aires and the Graveyard Tango!
This place seems like it could be anywhere. It probably is one of the most European Cities in South America; a city to either love or hate. When I initially though about Buenos Aires the first images and thoughts that came to mind where: Tango, Gaucho, Gateway to Antarctica, Paris of Latin America and also being German, that Argentina is a big Soccer rivalry. Although I did not find much of the Gaucho, this is a little more true for the country, all other Stereotypes proved to be right. But besides there was a lot more to Buenos Aires.
The first impression, Buenos Aires is a very “busy” and loud (vocal) city. There seems to be so much going on. With the European Flair coming through in the Architecture which is related to Paris, the life and the energy coming from Italy and Spain. Buenos Aires (which translates to Good Air; I am not so sure about that) The typical Paris style buildings can be found here, except for one small difference; in Paris the Buildings will be a maximum of 5 Stories high, where in Buenos Aires the same type of Buildings will have about 10 stories.
Before I start with the hint already placed in the Title and what the Graveyard Tango is all about, I’d like to tell you a story about my first 30 minutes in Buenos Aires and how this impacted on my Impression. How can a city be loud in terms of vocal? No they did not sing.
The Story of Florida Street!
“I arrived in Buenos Aires at 10am after taking a night bus from Mendoza. It was only a 14 hour bus ride, so I was a little sleep deprived cause no one can sleep on a Bus that great, unless they provide a Bed or something equivalent. As I was walking through a street called “Florida Street”, it looked just like a Pedestrian Street that can often be found in Europe and it seemed to be the most direct way to the Hostel. Little did I know that on the 10 Blocks I walked down Florida Street my mood would change from tired, angry, happy, to really frustrated. About 3 meters, if that, into Florida Street; I heard the first gentlemen call out “CAMBIO, CAMBIO”, this continued all the way down the street with the alternation of “CAMBIO, CAMBIO , US TO PESOS” with a distance of maximum of 2 meters between each person. After about 10 people I just wanted to yell “Leave me alone”, although the trick was to just ignore them all. It was a wonderful street to awake up on. “
So what is the moral of the story very simple, if you want to exchange money even after an extremely long overnight Bus, head to Florida Street. Once a shopping destination, today the black market. The best thing for you is that you get a better rate, than the one at Official Currency exchanges, you’ll receive something called the “Blue Dollar”. Around 15 years ago the Argentina peso was one-to-one to the US dollar. Today 100 pesos it is about US$8. Having such a flexible currency can be difficult, hence why the government introduced the “blue dollar” an exchange rate only found on the Black Market. Travelers will get more worth for their money and Argentines get a stable currency, which is the easiest way for them to save money, because even when they want to exchange money at the bank to get a set amount depending on the destination and length of time both their trip. And only with proof of a ticket. The Blue Dollar is set at 15 Pesos for 1$ US.
Have you noticed biggest Bill is hundred-dollar note? Again the Government does not want to produce higher notes because that way they would admit to the high inflation rate.
But really by this time you are probably wondering what the title is all about?
On a typical Morning, after having meet up with the Canadian couple from Mendoza, the three of us spend a day in a Cemetery and watching a little bit of Tango.
The Cemetery of Buenos Aires
Normally I would not go visit a Cemetery as it is probably not the number one thing to do in a city butit is an absolute must in Buenos Aires to visit the Recoleta Cemetery. This cemetery is filled with tombs and crypts, much like the more famous one in New Orleans. ( I personally have not been but I always thought it was pretty cool seeing the cemetery in the Vampire Diaries.) Personally I like the different types of doors that can be found all over the Graveyard. they are just so unique.
You walk through this cemetery and it feels like you are in a different world, most times cemeteries are not my thing by this one is so cool. The most famous Grave, but by far not the prettiest, is the grave of of Evita, the wife of a former president who did a lot for human rights. A “character” in Argentina History that is either liked or hated. The misty and scenic grey sky in the morning in Buenos Aires just added to the effect of the place that it’s a place that I would not want to be at night.
I wonder if the skeletons wake up at night and start dancing the Tango? A lot of the graves are somewhat damaged, although it is probably of the old age and weather conditions. But maybe it is also because of the frequent exits of the dead? In a city like Buenos Aires where the rhythm of Tango is in the Blood, what better place would there be I have a huge party at night and go for a Dance. I mean you are lying possibly beside a beautiful lady day in day out. I would call this the Graveyard Tango !!
This Graveyard is such a Tourist Attraction that again I get to show you some beautiful Garbage Cans. What a scary and beautiful setting for the Garbage Cans. I am not sure if they like it I hate it. For most of Argentina not meeting the complete European standard of clean, at least they have Garbage Cans everywhere, sometimes sadly they’re just not used.
I you are not confused; one of the things besides the most amazing Cemetery a must thing to do in Buenos Aires is visiting a Tango Show. I feel like this is a way to visit and total feel the rhythm. I have been told that normally Tango is not quite so fast but it has so much lot passion and feelings in it. So if a Guy wants to Tango maybe he just wants to get close as there is almost no room, not even for a piece of paper in between the you and him. Regardless of that visiting a Tango Show can be quite a highlight and I am glad I was able to see it. If you are going to go see one GO in Buenos Aires would be the place. Most shows are offered with Dinner however it is possible to just enjoy the show without Dinner.
After two busy days in the city I left Buenos Aires covered high in fog. Of to a New Country! If I had another day, or even half a day in Buenos Aires I would have probably like I have visited the Boca Neighbourhood. I was however told it is best to visit it / enter with a Bus and leave with a Bus. It is not safe to walk there. The only thing that I got from there is this Postcard. Somehow I feel like this is the typical image when I think of Buenos Aires! Buenos Aires a vibrant city!
What did you like better the Graveyard or the Tango?

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