Photograph Diary – Yungas and the Atacama Desert

Two weeks ago, I left to a place with no reception, weather it be for internet or phone. It was nice to be away from it all, but I am not sure if I could live like that for longer. Two weeks really is enough.
However that does not mean that a lot of things have happend. Cause two weeks is a lot when time flies.
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So what Happend in two weeks; hear are some impressions of what I have been up to.

Aldea Luna
Aldea Luna – A nature Reserve in the middle of the Yungas. An hour and a half bus ride from Jujuy del Sacramento, it is not only a great place to get away from it all, but also to learn Spanish. With 3 home cooked Vegetarian foods, that are picked out of the Garden this really feels like a place away from home.
After getting back to civilization, a short Bud ride a little further up north go me to the Cerro del siete Colores, near Purmamarca. What a beauiful site. Sometimes it really is amazing what the earth has to offer.
Late at Night/ Early in the Morning I continued on to Chile and the Atacama Desert. This has been the first time I have ever been to a Desert, the Atacama is the driest in the World. Above you see me at the Valle de La Luna, one of the three Mountain Ranges around the Atacama. This range is completley made out of Salt. How cool it that. It may not look like it because of the Wind that blows the Sand onto the Salt.
The Largest Sand Dune in the Valle de La Luna, is protected and is not allowed to be trespassed. When in San Pedro de Atacama, one of the view cities build in one of the 14 Oasis, this is a site to Remember.

A lot can happen in a Week, and a lot can change. Plans always change and GO!
A new Country, Bolivia is coming up next I am exited!
What have you been up to this WEEK?


All content, pictures Copyright © 2021 by inka notes | • All Rights Reserved. All other content is copyrighted by the respective authors and linked to Origin.


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